Sunday, November 4, 2012

How To Hack Gmail Password or Account

Posted by Unknown

Most of us thinks that phishing is very common technique and anyone can detect it. But doing it in smart Ways means its 100% undetectable and victim has to do it for must. Also why I haven't explained this with earlier post ie How to hack an Email Account because this Hack is specific for specific website means you need specific phisher for each website and also you have to take care about creating your account on web hosting accordingly. So guys If you Want to Learn How to Hack Gmail Account or Password then tighten your belts and get ready for awesome hacking experience..

NOTE: This is for Educational Purpose Only. We are not responsible for any damage done by You.
Things That you Need for Hacking Gmail Account Password:
1. Gmail Phisher
2. Free Web hosting  Site
3. Little bit of manual Work :p

Introduction to Phishing
If you know little bit of Hacking then Its must for you know About Phishing i.e What is Phishing and how it works and most important How you can protect yourself from getting into the Trap. I will try to explain all of these in my article. 
First of all What are Phish pages and what is phishing?? Phish pages are basically the fake pages or virtual pages that looks similar to the original website Page. The only difference is the batch program running in the background i.e Original Webpage sends requests to Gmail server while Phish Page sends request to hacker's php server. Now Phishing is a password hacking technique commonly used by hackers using phish pages that looks similar to original web page. The only difference is the URL in the address bar so Guys One Important Tip for you all always check the Address bar while going to any website .
Now What is Smart Phishing, Normal phishing page sends the password to hacker but it doesn't redirects the page to original website but smart phishing does. Means victim can never know what really happened and his account is got hacked. He will only think that he has entered the wrong password as in second attempt the web page is original and he will be able to login and the most fantastic thing is that the original redirected page has username already entered in it that makes it even smarter. 
Now lets come to how it works?? When a user types a Username Password in the the text box,The info is sent to "login.php" which acts as a password logger and redirects the page to "LoginFrame2.htm" which shows "There has been a temporary error Please Try Again" in it . So when the person clicks on try again it redirects to the actual URL so that the victim does not know that your site is a fake site and gets his password hacked.


1. First of all download the Gmail Phisher.

2. Extract the rar file now you will get three files as given below:
  •       gmail.html
  •       log.txt
  •       mail.php
3. Upload all the Three files to any of the free Web hosting server. Remember while creating the  account on these servers try the username as nearer as possible to the original URL like mail.gmaile or maile.gmall etc.. As its the most crucial step. Some Free Web hosting servers are given below you can also find few more for yourself.
4. Once you have uploaded all the three files to web hosting server now you have to send these to your victim. This is the most important step regarding smart phishing technique.
Most People use same password for orkut and gmail and here is the main hack lies. What you have to do you have to send the HTML email to the victim which looks similar to the Orkut scrap to his email you can easily do this using simple editing to the existing mail. Just you have to change the link with your phish link and content according to the person likings so that he will surely come inside the trap. 
Another technique is that you can send him a request to join a particular community in the format orkut does.
And Last but the most important one Send him mail from Gmail Admin such that "We have seen illegal activity from your account and you need to verify your account and your account is temporarily disabled after this login. To unlock your account Verify your Email and in that link put your Phish link. Now Guys you all will came to know How it works. If you want to Protect yourself its must that you should know what techniques a Hacker can use to hack your Gmail Account.

5. Now After sending phisher to victim, once the user logs in to his Gmail account using your Phisher, his user ID and password are ours..And these are stored in log.txt What you have to do is just refresh your Web hosting account files.

6. The Log.txt file will contain the passwords and look like this:  
Thats all Now you have hacked the password of victim. I hope you all have Liked It. 

How to Protect Your Gmail Account From Phisher??
1. Always check the URL in the address bar before entering username and password.
2. Never follow any link from your email and any website until u have confirmed the Address bar URL.
3. Never Follow spam mails and "Win lottery or Cash" mails.


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